Book Jacket Testimonials or British Kennel Club Breed Standards?

Warm and wide-ranging and wise, a wonderful companion.
Dignified, independent and reserved, but courageous and highly intelligent.
Extraordinarily playful, vibrant and ambitious.
Forceful, cerebral, and impeccably controlled.
Plenty of substance but free of clumsiness. Neither cloddy nor cobby.
As gentle and reliable as the tides.
Full of courage, yet with clown-like qualities.
Noble and dignified… characterized by solemnity, wisdom and power.
A well-constructed package of dynamite.
Dark with intelligent, keen and alert expression.
Conveys an impression of supple strength, endurance and purpose.
Quick of movement, on the tiptoe of expectation at any movement.
Singular, incomparable—all the words apply.
With searching insight, compassion and an unexpected yet utterly appropriate touch of wit.
Elastic, free, balanced and vigorous.
A Marvel. A thriller with a beating heart and jagged teeth.
Small, active, game, hardy, possessed of no small amount of self-esteem.
Exciting, fast-paced, with an unusually high IQ.
Racy, balanced and full of quality.
Impossible to put down.

Testimonials: 1 (Cressida Connolly, Conversations on Love), 3 (Sunday Tribune, Cloud Atlas), 4 (The New York Times, The Secret History), 6 (Michael J. Mahoney, The Book of Awakening), 9 (Stephen King, My Dark Vanessa), 13 (Quinn Latimer, The Years), 14 (Los Angeles Times, Half of a Yellow Sun), 16 (Tommy Orange, Winter Counts), 18 (San Francisco Chronicle, Angels and Demons), 20 (The New York Times, The Lost Symbol)

Kennel Club Breed Standards: 2 (Scottish Terrier), 5 (Irish Terrier), 7 (French Bulldog), 8 (Bloodhound), 10 (Borzoi), 11 (Rottweiler), 12 (Airedale Terrier), 15 (Dobermann), 17 (West Highland White Terrier), 19 (Irish Setter)

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