Are You Playing a Board Game or Bored in a Meeting?

Having too many or too few people creates undeniable awkwardness
Someone in the room is acting as the leader, and no one is having it
You desperately want to “rage quit”
There’s always one person obsessed with following the rules
Doodling might be involved
The “banker” might be cooking the books
The “banker” might go to jail
Somebody’s playing footsie under the table
Everyone is getting paid a different salary
You try to communicate with your face to someone across the table, but getting caught is a big risk
There’s always a tattletale
Mediocre snacks are involved
Sabra Hummus may be the mediocre snack in question
“Does anyone have a pencil?”
You’re starting to think life is just one big game

1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15: Bored in a meeting
2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14: Playing a board game

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