Microshaft Word’s AI Helps Write a Letter

Welcome to Microshaft Word 21.0, the most advanced word-processing system in the world. Please begin typing and our content wizard will help you to format your document.

Dear Sir:

This appears to be a letter. Would you like Microshaft Word to format this document as a letter?

Please select an option: YES / NO


Dear Sir:


You appear to be attempting to delete the word ‘YES from your letter that begins “Dear Sir:”. Would you like Microshaft Word to delete the word “YES” for you?

Please select an option: YES / NO


Dear ir:

Warning: Due to an unexpected internal error, Micro haft Word i pre ently unable to di play the letter ” .” Would you prefer to ub titute another letter in it place?

Plea e elect an option: YE /NO


Which letter would you like Micro haft Word to ub titute in it place?


The character you have cho en, “&” i not an acceptable ub titute letter. Plea e choo e one of the character from the following li t:

a / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i / j / k / l / m / n / o / p / r / / t / u / v / w / x / y / z


You have picked the letter “j.” Microjhaft Word will jubjtitute the letter “j” for the letter ” .”

Dear Jir:

The word you have entered, “Jir,” ij not in the Microjhaft Word dictionary. What would you like to do?

Pleaje jelect an option: ADD “Jir” to Dictionary / JUGGEJT jpelling / IGNORE

JUGGEJT jpelling

I cannot underjtand what you mean by the phraje “JUGGEJT jpelling”. Pleaje enter again

Pleaje jelect an option: ADD “Jir” to Dictionary / JUGGEJT jpelling / IGNORE

You have ujed the mouje to jelect the option “JUGGEJT jpelling.” Pleaje jelect a word from the following lijt to replace “Jir”:

Jig / Jar / Jim / Jif / Mir / Air / Jir /

You have ujed the mouje to jelect the word “Jir” to replace the word “Jir”.

Dear Jir:

The word, “Jir” you have entered appearj to be a name. Would you like Microjhaft Word to look in your addrejj book for Jir’j addrejj?

Pleaje jelect an option: YEJ / NO

Go to hell

Rejponje “Go” accepted aj “No.”

Dear Jir:

to hell

The phraje “to hell” that you have entezred ij not punctuated properly for jtarting a jentence. In addition, you appear to be attempting to delete the phraje from your letter to Jir. Would you like Microjhaft Word to delete the phraje “to hell” or did you mean to type “HELP” injtead of “hell?”

Pleaje jelect an option: DELETE “to hell” / HELP


Welcome to the Microjoft Word HELP Jyjtem. To get HELP on a topic enter a phraje dejcribing what you want to do:

Jcrew Microjhaft

I’m jorry, I don’t underjtand the phraje “ Jcrew MicroJhaft”. Pleaje check your jpelling and enter again.

You appear to be attempting to jhut down without javing your letter to–

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