Trash Pandas Are Cuter Than Most People Realize

Trash pandas have a huge PR problem. People often see them only as thieving garbage pirates, but in reality they are quite adorable. The post Trash Pandas…

Hipsters of New York: The Dangers of Extreme Hipsterism

If you think you can out-hipster these people, then you’re probably wrong. These are no regular hipsters, these people have taken hipsterism to a whole new level…

Welcome to Trivia Night, Where You Will Be Punished for Living a Well-Rounded, Normal Life

Good evening and welcome to TRIVIA TUESDAY! We’re gonna get started here in just a few minutes. I notice we’ve got some new folks over at Table…

The Onion Reviews ‘Scream VI’

Read more… The Onion 

New Evidence Finds Christ Used Followers’ Money On Lavish Fleet Of Private Donkeys

JERUSALEM—In a discovery researchers say could transform millennia of belief about Christianity’s founder, archaeologists from the University of Oxford uncovered new evidence Wednesday suggesting that Jesus Christ…

Could You Pass The Mental Competency Test For Politicians Over 75?

Presidential candidate Nikki Haley recently suggested that all elected officials over the age of 75 should have to pass a mental competency test in order to hold…

Timid Man Gets Little Rush Out Of Curtly Replying ‘K’ To Landlord

Read more… The Onion 

Radians Are Cursed

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Runaway Train

“Having your photo taken with Thomas and Friends seemed pretty simple. You select the engine you wish to be in the photograph, stand in the blue circle,…

Santa Clown

“Me and my sister, Christmas in Chile 1996. Apparently the Santa we visited had a second job and was also a clown on the same day (there…