NFT Memes That Perfectly Capture The Ridiculous Trend

NFTs, or nonfungible tokens, have been around since 2014, but they’ve only started gaining notoriety in the past few years. In 2021, the market for NFTs was…

Knives Out

“My brother cutting his birthday cake in 1967. Times were different then.” (submitted by IG @ricericebaby142)  The post Knives Out appeared first on 

Groom’s New Groove

“The photographer had a great idea for my sister’s wedding pics. My sister is the bride & I am the bridesmaid on the right.” (submitted by IG…

Doll Army

“My daughter was obsessed with dolls. That’s all she asked for at for holidays and for her birthday. She ended up with quite a collection. It made…

French Bulldog Becomes Top U.S. Dog Breed

According to new American Kennel Club rankings, the expensive and highly sought-after French bulldog was the most popular dog breed in the U.S. in 2022, unseating labradors…

Neighborhood Slowly Realizing Person Who Threw Up On Sidewalk Not Returning To Clean It Up

Read more… The Onion 

Neighbors Shocked To Hear Quiet, Unassuming AR-15 Went On Killing Rampage

LADLEY, SC—Reeling in the wake of a shooting that left three dead and eight wounded, neighbors were reportedly shocked Friday after a seemingly quiet, unassuming AR-15 went…

Movies with Animal Titles Reviewed by Their Titular Animals

Anaconda on Anaconda (1997) Hell yeah, brother. ★★★★ Dog on Dog (2022) Dog! Good dog! Why so many booms? Dogs don’t like booms. Dog is upset by…

Man’s Use Of ‘Babe’ Increases Exponentially As Girlfriend Closes In On Truth

STOCKTON, CA—Demonstrating a direct correlation between the two phenomena, local man Campbell Rymski’s reported use of the word ‘babe’ increased exponentially Monday as his girlfriend closed in…

Lazy EPA Tries To Claim They Successfully Brought Dogs Back From Brink Of Extinction

WASHINGTON—Maintaining that the effort definitely happened and anyone who doubted them was probably just jealous, lazy officials at the Environmental Protection Agency claimed Monday that they’d successfully…