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Author Archive for Loon Registrar

Top 50 Fun Things To Do In an Elevator

1. Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off. 2. Blow your nose and offer to show the contents of your kleenex to other passengers. 3. Stand silent and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off. 4. Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them […]

Politicians Explain Why They Oppose Term Limits

While term limits may be popular among young legislators, many older career politicians have bristled at the idea. The Onion asked politicians why they oppose caps on government leadership, and this is what they said. Read more… The Onion 

Syllabus for Zombie Apocalypse Survival 101

Instructor: Alex “Axe-Man” RodriguezInstructor Qualifications: Head Scavenger of SoCal Survivors, B.S. in Biology, Minor in Psychology, grew up on a farm, zombie kill count: 98Phone/Email: UnavailableOffice Hours: By appointment only, instructor often scavenges the Wastes during daylight hours Class/Office Location: bunker on South CampusBunker Stats: 6-inch-thick steel door and walls, 100-person capacity, adequate ventilation, water […]

France To Offer Free Condoms To Adults Up To Age 25

French president Emmanuel Macron has announced that starting in 2023, condoms would be made available for free in pharmacies for 18- to 25-year-olds in a bid to reduce the spread of STIs, which increased by 30% over the last two years. What do you think? Read more… The Onion 

Union-Busting Manager Graciously Accepts Pay Cut Because Boss Knows Best

INDIANAPOLIS—Acknowledging the sage decision by the people at the top, union-busting manager Dale Lynskey told reporters Tuesday that he graciously accepted a pay cut because his boss knows best. “Our CEO knows exactly what’s right for company, and obviously I was taking more money than my labor was worth, so I’m… Read more… The Onion 

White House Now Just Saying That Biden 52

WASHINGTON—Hoping to allay voters’ concerns about the president’s age, officials at the White House are now just saying that Joe Biden is 52 years old, sources confirmed Tuesday. “Americans have made it clear they want to see younger leadership in the White House, and they’re in luck, because President Biden is only… Read more… The […]

Pelicans Will Try To Eat Anything, They Just Don’t Care

Pelicans just don’t care. They will try to eat anything they can fit in their pouch. Once they figure out something is food, it’s fair game. You have been warned. Scroll down to the last photo to see the consequences of such criminal behavior! The post Pelicans Will Try To Eat Anything, They Just Don’t […]